Thursday, June 16, 2011

So much... so, so much

First off, I've come to realize that I've allowed the "busy" stuff to get in the way of things that I want to do. For example, the house ALWAYS needs to be cleaned. ALWAYS. I have two days off during the week and still, the house is never "clean". Sure it's clean but it's not clean for the fact that we have it on the market. Bob and I are very scattered people. We love and enjoy lots and lots of different hobbies. That might be where we get tripped up. Lots of interests means lots of things lying around and with us parring down our belongings it means not everything has a home to be placed back in to, which means we have a lot of floaters. Stuff that moves from one room to another as we try to figure out where it should go.

With that being said, I've decided I want to do 30 days of creativity. It's not my idea. I got it from and the real 30 days of creativity is supposed to be every day in June. Since I didn't really know about it till now, I'm not going to be a stickler for the month and just go from whatever day I happen to be on. I'm going to try not to duplicate any of the projects but honestly, I make no promises. School with the kids is winding down and frankly, I'm tired. I just want to take back a little bit of time for me. Even if it's just for a few minutes. 

So for my first project I made bread... edible bread! I have been struggling with this for some time. I've attempted several times to make a loaf of bread and it just never came out right. It would look pretty but as soon as it cooled it weighed about 400 lbs. and tasted like butt. I found a recipe for rustic bread and thought I'd give it a try and lo and behold, it worked! The bread on day two is still tasty and soft.

Seriously. It's delicious. I'm so happy. Now I just have to stop eating it.

So, that was yesterday. What did I make today? I made myself a glass of wine.

Not fancy, I know but hey, today I worked a full day at the school and then went to work at the public library for the evening shift. So, yeah. Mamma bear came home and poured herself a glass... or two. I'm still counting it.

In other news:

Bob was working up at a friends house cutting down some overgrowth with a chainsaw when he decided to saw off a bit of his knee flesh. Personally, I would have stuck to cutting down trees but, hey, to each their own. The pic is a little gross and I do apologize for that but, you know, scars are cool.
Here's the before:

Nine staples later, here's the after:

(Personally, gross.) Did he come home and loaf on the couch? Did he whimper and whine and beg for special treatment? Did he even make a big deal out of having NINE freaking staples put into his knee? No. No, this man: A) drives himself to and from the emergency room. B) stops on the way home to pick up some groceries. and C) comes home and makes homemade canned pickles. Seriously? I'm pretty sure I'd be making that man run out for some double chocolate something or other if that happened to me. Who did I marry?

And maybe last but not least, we have a stray mamma cat that has been coming and going for a little while and it seems she is back again. She's starting to get a little more comfortable with us but we still can't approach her or anything. She needs to be fixed. Poor thing, every time she comes around she is heavy with babies but I can't agree to catching a cat full blown prego with babies and aborting them just to fix her. I'm just not okay with that. So, we need to somehow get her to let us near her and get her fixed. She's super bad-a. She let Bob take a few pics of her. I would not mess with her.

That is all for now.