To making babies! Yep, we're prego. I am 11 weeks today. We've known for a couple weeks but I haven't had a ton of time to post to here. School has started for both of us and on top of that I'm taking two courses this semester for my Master's and on top of that I am exhausted. I never knew I could be so tired. I know this is only the beginning, but the love of god I'm tired. From what I've read I should be getting some of energy back in another week or so. I could really use it. Napping is very counter productive. Well, counter productive to me completing work, not for the kid developing.
The ultrasound is from 8 weeks 5 days so the little munchkin is a bit bigger now. I'm going to try and post pics and stuff as often as I can but who knows. That's all for now...